
It is very rare that pain is suppressed, because pain most often has a useful function, which we take into account in order to act. Pain is a signal from the body telling you that something is wrong, it's time to take the time to reconsider.
It is human to "silence" this message from the body, in general we always say: it's not true, "no" I can't accept it, it can't happen to me... we choose to stay in denial.
But then, life will remind you in a stronger way, and the more we stifle this suffering, the more it grows until a moment when we decide to listen to it and go towards our fulfillment.. Sometimes, the work on the pain is only an introduction to the real work which brings you because the body makes you vibrate this suffering.

Treat pain at its root

If your pain is unbearable, unexplained, medical treatment is not enough or its side effects scare you, it may be time to ask yourself the question about your life, your past, what may be at the origin of all these sufferings, what do you not want to see or hear while your body is crying out for you to take the time to look, as Mother said, "if you want to heal, you have to heal the memory of the body", "the past is an immense body of which the present is the eye", (Pascal Quignard)
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